Dog Brothers are a company of stick fighters, aka “the band of sweaty, smelly, psychopaths with sticks”. These stick fighters meet and fight at their Gathering of the Pack. Everyone who is interested to fight is welcome, no matter from what martial art he/she comes from.
What does it take to become a Dog Brother?
To become a Dog Brother one has to be admitted into the “Tribe”. To be accepted as a tribe member one has to fight at Gatherings. The first level is “Dog”, “Bitch” or “Cat” this can be achieved after participating in several Gatherings in which the aspirant has fought several times each. If the Council of Elders think the fighter has what it takes, the odds are that he/she ascend further to “Candidate Dog Brother” and later to “Full Dog Brother”, and gets his/her personal nickname.
We expect from a Dog Brother that he shows a continuity in his fighting, represents a personal advanced fighting style, and represents completely the Dog Brother spirit (philosophy).
Dog Brothers
Abu “Desert Dog” Dayyeh
Al “Sweet Dog” Romo
Alex “Sniper Dog”
Alexander “Cunning Dog” Bondarenko
Alvis “Hound Dog” Solis
André “the Animal Dog” Klocke
Andrew “Friendly Neighborhood Cholo Dog”
Andy “Lap Dog”
Antone “Splinter Dog” Haley
Arianna “Unidentified Bitch” Accorte
Arlan “Salty Dog” Sanford
Badger “Chili Pepper Dog” Jones
Bebbo “Nuragic Dog” Mameli
Benjamin “Lonely Dog” Rittiner
Benjamin “the Shredder Dog” Schille
Benjamin “Thunder Dog” Schlieper
Brett “Grey Dog” Simms
Brian “Porn Star Dog” Jungwiwattanattaporn
Bryan “Guide Dog” Stoops
Burton “Lucky Dog” Richardson
Caine “Energizer Dog” Vahlé
Carlos “Maul Dog” Flores
Chhi’med “Mongolian Dog” Kunzang
Chris “Bumpy Dog” Hawker
Chris “Lazy Dog” Goard
Chris “Rogue Dog” Smith
Christian “Catch Dog” Aguilar
Christian “True Dog” Clifton
Christine “Cat Freyja” Richter
Christoph “Techno Dog” Schlorff
Colin “Point Dog” Stewart
Connor “Anathema Dog” Wood
Corey “Dog Pound” Davis
Craig “Nickel Dog” Mason
Dale “Island Dog” Franks
Daniel “Hidden Dog” Budar
Darrin “Chill Dog” Davis
Dave “Stray Dog” Rothburgh
David “Wild Dog” Crosby
Dean “Kaju Dog” Webster
Denis “OM Dog” Kachelmus
Dennis “Edge Dog” Hall
Detlef “Sinatra Dog” Thiem
Dirk “Vigilant Dog” Eichstaedt
Ed “Hot Dog” Solomon
Eric “Tennessee Dog” Bryant
Eric “Top Dog” Knaus
Erick “Trash Dog” McKracken
Ericson “Lapu-Lapu Dog” Hölzchen
Evgeny “Laika Dog” Vasilyev
Fabi “Fairy Dog”
Filippo “Vegan Dog” Pani
Francesco “Sharingan Dog” Mostallino
Francisco “Frankfurter” Taruc
Gerry “Celtic Dog” Casey
Gerry “Rock Dog” Hibbitts
Gints “Baltic” Dog Klimanis
Gorazd “Balkan Dog” Demič
Graeme “Scotty Dog” Higgins
Greg “Cyborg Dog” Brown
Greg “Donnybrook Dog” McNamee
Gregory “Junkyard Dog” Van Zuyen
Heiko “Crossover Dog” Zauske
Hoang “Chopstick Dog” Minh Pham
Holger “Juggernaut Dog” Hoffmann
Ian “Shaggy Dog” Wilde
Ivan “Kuma Dog” Reboli
Jacy “Dogged Dog” Wright
Jaime “Dizzy Dog” Carskaden
Jake “Haunted Dog” Olson
James “Ice Dog” Pont
Janno “Sceptical Dog”
Jason “Heathen Dog” Heatwole
Jason “Rambo Dog” Arambulo
Jay “Commando Dog” Thorne
Jeff “Sleeping Dog” Inman
Jerome “Frisbee Dog” Challon
Joan “Atura Dog” Cornudella
Joe “Crash Dog” Nepomuceno
Joel “Go Gadget Dog” Charbonneau
John “Hunting” Dog Veverka
John “Underdog” Salter
Jon “Lone Wolf” Kleineman
Jonny “Rum Dog” Fell
Jörg “Katana Dog” Seidel
Joshua “Lazy Eye Dog” Rogers
Julien “Asterix Dog” Depiesse
Kai “Suicide Dog” Schilling
Kai “WoodsDog” Spintig
Katherine “Wicked Bitch” Hendry
Kostas “Quixote Dog” Skotidakis
Kostas “Spartan Dog” Tountas
Lamont “Wile E. Dog” Glass
Lars “Hungry Dog” Christie
Lester “Surf Dog” Griffin
Liam “Painted Dog” Burke
Linda “Bitch” Matsumi
Linda “Black Cat”
Loki “Tricky Dog” Jorgenson
Lucas “Cat Dog” Benesch
Lynn “Psycho Bitch” Brown
Manuel “Copper Dog”
Manuel “Snare Dog” Frank
Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny
Marcus “Giri Dog” Schillinger
Mario “Beast Hound” Ramirez
Mario “Noisy Dog” Loubert
Mark “Beowulf” Houston
Mark “Fu Dog” O’Dell
Mark “Puppy” Dog Sanden
Mark “Shark Dog” Larsen
Markus “Berserker Dog” Andersson
Markus “Krypto Dog”
Marlene “Dizzy Bitch”
Marlon “Red Dog” Boettger
Martin “Hog Dog” Göbel
Matt “Boo Dog” Booe
Matt “Cimmerian Dog” Evans
Matt “Foxhound” Berry
Max “Foxy Dog” Schreiner
Maximilian “Empty Dog”
Michael “Omega Dog” Penafiel
Miguel “Quiet Dog” DeCoste
Mike “Dogzilla” Tibbitts
Mark “Mongrel” Balluff
Mike “Rain Dog” Florimbi
Mike “Scrappy Dog” De Lio
Mike “War Dog” Barredo
Nathan “Faithful Dog” Carlen
Nick “Pappy Dog” Papadakis
Nick “Raw Dog” Sacoulas
Nils “Angry Dog”
Nina “Skjaldmær Cat” Thiem
Olaf “Iron Squirrel Dog” Heckmann
Ole “Time Dog” Leinz
Oli “Ghost Dog” Schaer
Oli “Rubbish Dog” Bux
Pascal “French Cop Dog” Gilles
Patrick “Green Mountain Dog” Gagnon
Pete “Smiling Dog” Juska
Peter “Dungeon Dog” Andrada
Peter “Grumpy Dog” Fray
Peter “Polite Dog” Smallridge
Philip “Sled Dog” Gelinas
Randall “Wolf Dog” Gregory
Rene “Growling Dog” Cocolo
Richard “Seeing Eye Dog” Estepa
Rick “Doctor Dog” Laue
Roan “Poi Dog” Grimm
Rob “Cherry Dog” Peaker
Rodolfo “Fraggle Dog”
Roger “Sage Dog” Whissel
Roger “Space Dog” Tinkoff
Ronnie “Ala-Eh Dog” Magsaysay Buenafe
Ryan “Guard Dog” Gruhn
Ryan “Yo Dog” Achenbach
Ryoga “Ninja Dog” Vee
Samuel “Wrong Dog” Küppers
Sebastian “Mime Dog” Ehlen
Sebastien “Pirate Dog” Poirier
Shanu “Silver Dog” Singh
Shawn “Wandering Dog” Zirger
Sigi “Dragon Dog” Fischer
Simon “Greyhound” Beauregard
Stefan “Cro Dog” Kostanjevec
Stefan “Diligent Dog” Ramsauer
Steve “Defender Dog” Sachs
Steve “Hobbit Dog” Ormerod
Steve “Iron Dog” Shelburn
Thilo “Eidetic Dog” Martens
Thomas “Gong Fu Dog” Holtmann
Thomas “Sword Dog” Rickert
Thorsten “Lena Dog” Picker
Tim “Scurvy Dog” Ferguson
Tinu “3D Dog” Blatter
Tom “Howling Dog” Guthrie
Tomek “Tank Dog” Jurkiewicz
Tony “Taz Dog” Caruso
Torben “Old Dog” Lorenian
Tyler “Dirty Dog” Morin
Vinsent “Dancing Dog” Franke
Walter “Kawal Dog” Talens
Yann “Senerity Dog” Pottier
“Kahuna Dog”
“Sheep Dog”
“Spider Dog”
“Sun Dog”
“Tahiti Dog”
Candidate Dog Brothers
Alistair “Candidate DB” Vickers
Andraz “Candidate DB” Bole
Andreas “Candidate DB” Hommel
Ashley “Candidate DB” Sage
Brian “Candidate DB” Alagao
Cherlyn “Candidate DB” Latar
Chris “Candidate DB” Saari
Christian “Candidate DB” Eckert
Claire “Candidate DB” Wen
Clint “Candidate DB” Taylor
Clyde “Candidate DB” Gomez
Dan “Candidate DB” Evans
Dave “Candidate DB” Bandianon
Dawid “Candidate DB” Niedojadlo
Dominic “Candidate DB” Ischer
Eric “Candidate DB” Wong
Fabian “Candidate DB” Tillmanns
Florian “Candidate DB” Sitte
Gerald “Candidate DB” Boggs
Hugh “Candidate DB” Sargent
Ivan “Candidate DB” Pirozhkov
James “Candidate DB” Kelly
Jeff “Candidate DB” Ippolito
Jeremy “Candidate DB” Loewen
Joseph “Candidate DB” DeBraux
Ken “Candidate DB” LaFleur
Kerry “Candidate DB” Kardell
Kevin “Candidate DB” Fillman
Kevin “Candidate DB” Kelsal
Luca “Candidate DB” Knaupp
Malte “Candidate DB” Regelin
Mamerto “Candidate DB” Estepa
Manfred “Candidate DB” Schilka
Massinissa “Candidate DB” Belkaid
Maxime “Candidate DB” Limoges
Maynard “Candidate DB” Ancheta
Michael “Candidate DB” Blake
Michele “Candidate DB” Gemini
Mike “Candidate DB” Norrell
Mike “Candidate DB” Reilly
Milt “Candidate DB” Tinkoff
Neil “Candidate DB” Gong
Olaf “Candidate DB” Knof
Ole “Candidate DB” Fredricksen
Pia-Maria “Candidate DB” Müller
Renato “Candidate DB” Judalena
Riccardo “Candidate DB” Bassani
Rich “Candidate DB” Raphael
Robert “Candidate DB” Koenig
Roberto “Candidate DB” Cereda
Rouwen “Candidate DB” Neumann
Russ “Candidate DB” Iger
Shaun “Candidate DB” Owens
Socke “Candidate DB”
Stephen “Candidate DB” Baxter
Terry “Candidate DB” Crutcher
Tim “Candidate DB” Nelson
Timo “Candidate DB” König
Timo “Candidate DB” Planke
Tyler “Candidate DB” Blanca
Dog, Bitch, Cat
“Dog” Al DeLeon
“Dog” Alessandro Marchi
“Dog” Alexandre Genest
“Dog” Andre Maczey
“Dog” Andy König
“Dog” Anthony Mariani
“Dog” Anthony Tarczay
“Dog” Armin Mühl
“Dog” Avery Winter
“Dog” Axel Datschun
“Dog” Benjamin Salvisberg
“Bitch” Berit Huntebrinker
“Bitch” Bettina Forster
“Dog” Borja Diaz Rodriguez
“Dog” Branco Bersa
“Dog” Brian Moberg
“Dog” Bryan Lorentzen
“Dog” Buddy Paoli
“Dog” Charles Cianos
“Dog” Chrio Amenda
“Dog” Christina Pocaressi
“Bitch” Christine Martell
“Dog” Christof Hauck
“Dog” Chuck Blanchard
“Dog” Connor Bean
“Dog” Damian Dziengo
“Dog” Dan Messerly
“Dog” Danielle Gorczyca
“Dog” Danny Suarez
“Dog” David Abel
“Dog” David Aranda
“Dog” David Hovey
“Dog” David Lowndes
“Dog” David Oliva
“Dog” Davide Musi
“Dog” Dax
“Dog” Dennis Müller
“Dog” Derek Lively
“Dog” Dionysios Bastas
“Dog” Eddie Garcia
“Dog” Eneko Diez
“Dog” Eric Mitchell
“Dog” Eric Taimanglo
“Bitch” Eva Stemmer
“Dog” Federico Corriente
“Dog” Florian Leyh
“Dog” Francesca
“Dog” Gabriele Cortonesi
“Dog” Gary Gagnon
“Dog” George Ramirez
“Dog” Gioele
“Dog” Gordo Cordova
“Dog” Greg Jahiel
“Cat” Heather Kerr
“Dog” Henry Carrabello
“Dog” Howard Mandel
“Dog” Howard Vitkus
“Dog” Hübi
“Dog” Ian
“Dog” Isabella Comite
“Dog” Ishmael Solis
“Dog” Itziar Iriarte
“Dog” Jamba Jack
“Dog” James Macdonald
“Dog” Jana Oberländer
“Dog” Janek Hassler
“Dog” Jason Jones
“Dog” Jasper Rigor
“Dog” Jay Crosby
“Dog” Jay Watts
“Dog” Jengis Khan
“Dog” Jeremy McCann
“Dog” Jiri Söderblom
“Dog” Jonathan Berry
“Dog” Josselin Fernandez
“Dog” Joven Pearce Lawrence
“Dog” Kai Javier
“Dog” Kai Schwahn
“Dog” Kamel Bouchakour
“Dog” Kase Wright
“Dog” Keith Jennings
“Dog” Kevin Fillman
“Dog” Kim Ahn Nguyen
“Dog” Kostadin Zlatkov
“Dog” Lorenz Glaza
“Dog” Louis Lance
“Dog” Ludo Bachy
“Dog” Lukas Maegert
“Dog” Lynn Ferri
“Dog” Marco Castrovillari
“Bitch” Marieke Wandel
“Dog” Mark Stemmer
“Dog” Martin Helm
“Dog” Matt Tucker
“Dog” Matthew Dykstra
“Dog” Mauricio Sanchez
“Dog” Maxime Groussat
“Dog” Michael Bock
“Dog” Michael Brinkmann
“Dog” Michael Joseph Bonett
“Dog” Miguel Lopez
“Dog” Mike Judge
“Dog” Nathan Featherstone
“Dog” Nick Merchant
“Dog” Nils Weiligmann
“Dog” Odin
“Dog” Olaf Bode
“Dog” Oliver Zaum
“Dog” Pawel Imiela
“Dog” Pedro Miguel
“Dog” Peter Kronowetter
“Dog” Ray Roth
“Dog” Ray Wilson
“Dog” Rodney Libramonte
“Dog” Roy Starr
“Dog” Rudi Reynders
“Dog” Safa Chamli
“Dog” Sanel Ukic
“Dog” Sara Höfliger
“Dog” Sauli
“Dog” Sergio Masserotti
“Dog” Simon Godsland
“Dog” Simon Hehl
“Dog” Simon Viel
“Dog” Sìofra Scàth Beag
“Dog” Stan Morrow
“Dog” Steffen Bartsch
“Dog” Stephan Lude
“Cat” Susanna Sorvali
“Dog” Thomas Britschgi
“Dog” Thomas Greber
“Dog” Thorsten Anstadt
“Dog” Tom Perruso
“Dog” Tony Fernandez
“Dog” Troy Hodges
“Dog” Vitaliano Sestito
“Dog” Wieslaw Hapke
“Dog” Wigo Bertrams
“Dog” Will Dixon
“Dog” William Duran